Photography by Omote Nobutada
Born 1949, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
HOSHINO KAYOKO moved from Kyushu to Kyoto to study ceramics before finally settling in nearby Shiga. Her medium is an unusual blend of several types of clay, most predominantly the pebbly material from Shigaraki. Cut from wedges, her forms are deceptively simple, with the feel of ancient ceramics, but also possess a distinctly modern sense of balance. The surfaces are impressed with straw and metal implements to create linear patterning that is punctuated by the crystallizations in the clay body. Occasionally Hoshino applies a silver glaze to accentuate the curved smooth surface of her sculptural vessels. She has enjoyed great renown among European collectors with repeated solo exhibitions. Residing on a steep hillside overlooking Lake Biwa in a home jointly built with her artist-husband, Satoru, she draws inspiration from the surrounding exquisite landscape.