Photo: Gendai tōgei no kishu. Vol. 4 of Gendai nihon nō tōgei (Tokyo, 1982).
Tamura Koichi, throughout his long career, demonstrated a mastery of wheel throwing, glazing and firing techniques. Since childhood, he showed a talent for drawing and assisted his father, a third generation doll maker. It was a seminal visit to the mingei (folk art) potters Hamada Shoji and Sakuma Totaro in nearby Mashiko that drew him to the field of ceramics.
Initially his works showed the influence of Hamada, but quickly he became known for iron-glazed works that featured reddish-brown, persimmon glazed wax-resist designs against a black ground. A further innovation was his application of brushed white hakeme glaze beneath his iron-oxide patterning. Later on, he further augmented these designs with copper red and lastly experimented with a celadon green glaze ground. His work is characterized by strong brushwork and lyrical, asymmetrical designs. He was designated in 1986 as the Living National Treasure for tetsu-e techniques (iron-glazed patterned ceramics).
Large round wheel-thrown vase with grape-vine patterning
Glazed stoneware
ca. 1970
10 7/8 x 12 in.
Inv# 7420
Green ash-glazed, footed vase
ca. 1985
Glazed stoneware
10 3/8 x 7 3/4 x 7 1/8 in.
Inv# 9954
Rectangular lidded box with rounded corners
Glazed stoneware
5 1/8 x 9 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.
Inv# 10324
Round teabowl
ca. 1985
Glazed stoneware
3 1/2 x 4 1/2 in.
Inv# 10785
Iron and copper-glazed, plum blossom patterned, large vessel
ca. 1983
Glazed stoneware
13 1/4 x 13 1/2 in.
Inv# 11016
Persimmon-decorated columnar vase
Glazed stoneware
7 1/2 x 3 1/8 in.
Inv# 7620
Iron and copper-glazed floral patterned vessel
ca. 1976
Glazed stoneware
8 x 7 in.
Inv# 10984
Square vase decorated with camellia designs in iron and copper glazes
ca. 1970
Glazed stoneware
9 5/8 x 5 1/8 in.